April 28, 2012

The Beginning

Sustainable Health Abroad (SHA) is a group of committed individuals based out of Portland, OR dedicated to improving the health outcomes of underserved populations through education and sustainable efforts. We believe in empowerment to promote the longevity of our aide. We explore various communities globally and get a sense of a felt need of the people. We listen and learn from the people to get a culturally sound idea of not only what that particular community needs, but what could turn into a project that becomes locally self-sufficient and leaves a minimal footprint.

SHA began in 2008. The first trip occurred in January 2009 when a group of 5 nurses went to various regions in Uganda, Africa. Six nurses returned to Uganda in 2010. An extensive community assessment was performed during these trips, laying the infrastructure for a sustainable relationship and the ability to conduct annually or semi-annual trips.

As our foundation strengthens, we plan on leading other dedicated individuals and nursing students to work on the ground level, broadening our perspective of ways to assist. Our team extends beyond the individuals that travel. We have a valued partnership through International Carpe Diem Foundation, and have many friends and family members that have been incredibly supportive in our grassroots organization.

The experience and benefit SHA provides impacts all involved, whether it is the person traveling or the person in the communities traveled to. The communities benefit from SHA through adaptive health education, focused on areas where the community can benefit the most. Those health focused individuals traveling with SHA gain valuable experience that shapes and improves the way they do their everyday job. SHA provides the resources and ability for health focused individuals to travel for short 2-3 week trips resulting in minimal disruption to their life back home, enabling trips to happen more easily and frequently then if SHA wasn’t providing this service.