April 28, 2012

Past Accomplishments

·         January 2013:     Uganda -This trip is currently being planned....stay tuned!

·         January 2012:
Uganda-January 2012 brought a selected group of volunteers to Canaan Farms and Gulu for health promotion projects, health teaching and continued health assessments. Volunteers traveled to Gulu to be trained in the construction of Rocket Stoves by Aid Africa, a non-profit organization focused on promoting the health of the poorest of the poor in Northern Uganda. Here, the team learned how to educate locals on the construction, economic benefits and health benefits of smoke-reducing, fuel-efficient household stoves. A maternal health team, lead by nurses, provided Cannan farms with maternity kits, clean and sterile supplies that are needed to promote the health of mothers and newborns at delivery. A dental health team returned to continue dental cleaning and teaching. They also assisted in organizing supplies in the brand new clinic, farming, building drip irrigation systems and constructing bio-sand water filters.

·         January 2011:
Uganda-In January 2011, SHA returned to Cannan farms and Fort Portal to provide health promotion with seven nurses and one dental hygenist. Donations raised funded the construction of a latrine and bath house for the community clinic located on Cannan Farms as well as mosquito nets for 70 orphans in Fort Portal. Health teaching, covering a wide variety of subjects, was attended by more than forty enthusiastic community members and 70 orphans. More than 150 mouths were cleaned and assessed and dental teaching and supplies were given. Community members welcomed the nurses into their homes where assessments were preformed and health projects for the future were decided upon by community leaders.

·         November 2010:
Exploratory trip to Oaxaca Mexico-Update to come soon!

·         January 2010: 
Uganda-In January 2010, SHA traveled with 6 nurses to Uganda.  Three nurses were returning from the previous year, while 3 new people decided to join this wonderful group.  In 2009 the focus continued to be community health, education and promotion.  This year the group traveled to Cannan farms where they began the ground-breaking work on the new clinic (a long time dream of Cannan farms).  The group also partnered with another non-profit in doing health teachings to the community.  Some of the topics being maternal health, clean water and nutrition.  Other projects that were continued this year was setting up sand water filter systems and drip water irrigation for community members to have access to clean water and fresh fruits and vegetables in the dry season.  The second part of this trip the group traveled to Fort Portal.  Here they also did community teaching and health education for several different groups of orphans.  Both parts of the trip seemed to be very successful, well received for the communities and life changing for the travelers. 
·         January 2009:
Uganda-160 Head-to-Toe physical assessments of children gaining a felt need of the region, 
developing relationships with local community members for future projects. Assessing local 
hospitals, villages, and clinics.